Nick Nisi

Nick Nisi

I’m a Software Engineer, coding professionally since 2009 and focused primarily on the front end and JavaScript/TypeScript. I am a big fan of community involvement, and have been involved in local meetups since the start. I have also been involved in the behind the scenes organization of several conferences, and helmed a couple, including TypeScript Conf US and the Nebraska JavaScript conference.

Outside of tech, I am a dad to two amazing kids. I’m also an avid karaoke enthusiast. My go-to songs include Kiss by Prince and How am I Supposed to Live Without You by Michael Bolton. I am also an ordained Jedi Knight who has presided over nine weddings.

Looking for my resume? You can find it here.


Nick is an occasional conference speaker and has spoken at conferences all over the world.

Full List of talks



Nick Nisi is a software engineer at a leading tech company and the host of the JS Party podcast, where he loves diving into all things web development. As the organizer of NebraskaJS and a former organizer of events like NEJS Conf and TypeScript Conf, Nick has a real passion for building strong developer communities.

He’s deeply passionate about TypeScript and Neovim, and he’s always on the lookout for ways to improve developer tooling and experience. An avid speaker, Nick has taken the stage at many conferences and meetups to share his insights.

When he’s not deep into coding or tech talk, you might just find him belting out tunes at karaoke.