
2023 Review

04 Jan 20241 minute read

Better late than never, right? 2023 was a big year in a lot of ways and has really geared me up for a fresh and exciting 2024! Here’s what happened, what I accomplished, and what I’m looking forward to going into 2024.


  • Celebrated 10 years of marriage. We got married on our 5th anniversary of dating, so we also celebrated 15 years together. We celebrated with a trip to Vegas
  • I visited the C2FO offices in India. It was an amazing trip which included a trip to the Taj Mahal and attending my first cricket match!
  • I attended the Problem-Solving Leadership workshop in Albuquerque, NM taught by Esther Derby and Don Gray. This was life-changing and I highly recommend it to everyone.
  • I spoke at KCDC on XState. I can’t recommend this conference enough!
  • Celebrated 5 years of being on the JS Party podcast. Here’s to many more!
  • I took my family to DisneyWorld. The kids absoutely loved it (and so did I).

What’s coming in 2024?

I’m starting the year off big by leaving my current job for a new opportunity (more soon) and I’m speaking at THAT Conference in Austin at the end of January. I’m also looking forward to more adventures with the family and growing a side-project, Dev Dilemmas, with John Christopher where we’re focused on content, courses, and consulting.


Nick Nisi

Software developer and podcaster based in Nebraska. TypeScript enthusiast, transpiling dreams into reality.

Follow me on Mastodon or Twitter.